2016 Seattle Medical Forum
October 15, 2016 – Seattle, WA
The Medical Forum will be an informative program for families and medical students. The morning program will include updates from the doctors on the various studies that are being conducted on Mowat-Wilson Syndrome. Doctors Wilson and Adam will conduct a clinic in the afternoon for the medical students in attendance. There will be additional speakers in the afternoon.
Due to the limitation of 30 Mowat-Wilson Syndrome patients, we will give preference to the families living on the West Coast (west of the Rocky Mountains). The other families will be placed on a waiting list and selected on a lottery basis if necessary.
Contact debyc@mowat-wilson.org for additional information
Download the 2016 Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Seattle Forum Program.
We will be streaming the Northeast Medical Forum live from Seattle on our Facebook page. After the event, we will be posting all videos for you to watch and share with your friends, families, doctors and therapists.