The MWS Study – Behavior Survey Results

Responses collected between November 26, 2007 and May 28, 2012. Here are the results of the Behavior Survey for individuals with MWS. Disclaimer – The information compiled below is by no means a scientific study but an informal survey. It is information compiled from the responses supplied to us from a survey of the members or our […]

The MWS Study – Summary of Findings

Study conducted in 2007, published 2013. Thank you to all the people with MWS, their families, and their carers who participated in the study. Your time filling out questionnaires and completing the interviews is greatly appreciated. Many of you also expressed such enthusiasm for the study, which was very encouraging for those of us involved in […]

NEW MWS Study – Psychological Problems and Incontinence in Mowat-Wilson Syndrome

Dear parents, dear caregivers, Bladder and bowel control are an important milestone in every child’s development and are relevant for independence and social acceptance. Elimination disorders (bedwetting, daytime wetting, soiling) can be stressful and demanding for parents and caregivers, although they can be treated effectively. So far, no studies on incontinence in persons with Mowat-Wilson […]

What We Are Funding – University of Kansas Medical Center Research Project

January 22, 2015 We are excited to have this opportunity to discuss our research directions and plans for Mowat-Wilson Syndrome (MWS). Our research efforts are focused on a better fundamental understanding of MWS, at the cellular level, and to identify the specific molecular defects that cause this disorder to test treatment options. The important work […]