NEW MWS Study – Psychological Problems and Incontinence in Mowat-Wilson Syndrome

Dear parents, dear caregivers,

Bladder and bowel control are an important milestone in every child’s development and are relevant for independence and social acceptance. Elimination disorders (bedwetting, daytime wetting, soiling) can be stressful and demanding for parents and caregivers, although they can be treated effectively.

So far, no studies on incontinence in persons with Mowat-Wilson syndrome have been conducted. In order to improve counselling and treatment for parents and affected persons, the Department of Child an Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Saarland (Homburg, Germany) is conducting a study on elimination disorders in children, adolescents and adults with Mowat-Wilson syndrome. This study will be of great help for other families with children with a Mowat-Wilson syndrome.

We would be pleased if you could support our study:
If you are a parent or caregiver of a person with Mowat-Wilson syndrome we would be very thankful if you could fill out 2 questionnaires about the affected person with Mowat-Wilson syndrome (estimated time: 20 min).

Please complete the following contact form and we will send you the questionnaires which you can send back to us cost-free and anonymously.

It is a matter of concern for us to reach as many families as possible, even though the person is not affected by incontinence.

Thank you very much for your help!