MWS Family of the Month – The Carter Family


No one could prepare us for the change that was coming to our lives when TJ was born or the journey that was ahead of us. It is not an easy path, but it is well worth traveling and has grown our faith and truly taught us about God’s love. TJ is our superhero, not simply because his name is T’challa, but because he smiles even when he is in pain. He is pure, joyful and no matter how many times he falls or gets hit with an obstacle, he never gives up. TJ is only 10 years old, but he has been through more than we have ever been through in our own lifetimes.

When TJ was born, everything happened so fast, we were not prepared for the unexpected: the trip to the level three NICU three days after birth, 3 surgeries during the first year of his life, being told he may never walk or talk and being plugged up to machines, with tubes running all over the place. It was hard to believe that my baby, my first born, and my only son was having to go through all of this. What started as heartache, ended as a praise report for what God was doing and the strength and the testimony he was giving to our baby and to us. The first three years were still full of the unexpected, with threats from Dr’s, a broken bone, more surgeries and then years of more surgeries and seizures. During all that time, my baby was still resilient. He crawled “on time” and had an NG tube but never a feeding tube and a 6-hour transanal pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease but never a colostomy bag. TJ has said a few words, but he has also lost some. He uses some sign language but always finds a way to communicate. In some ways, TJ’s sisters have had to grow up fast, but this has just strengthened their bond with him.

Fast forward to the present – TJ is thriving and doing amazing things. He started walking in 2018, right after his 8th birthday. He is currently learning how to ride a bike and become more independent. TJ loves to smile, give hugs and watch football. His two little sisters adore him and always try to help out their big brother. Watching the world through TJ’s eyes is an amazing journey, and one that definitely keeps us on our toes. Our Tink is an amazing kid who strives to grow and master his abilities. To know TJ is to love him!  God knew exactly what he was doing when he created our special little boy!

TJ loves hard and laughs even harder. Our baby is an amazing kid. We truly praise God and are blessed to be TJ’s parents, blessed to love him, to know him, and to have this time with him.


Released May 1, 2022

By Jay Carter