Supporting Rare and Special Families


The Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Foundation is collaborating with researchers all over the world who are working hard to be able to identify specific genes and therapies that can be used to improve the quality of life for people with MWS.

We have the power to do something. Our power lies in the ability to support and fund critical research.

Every Dollar Makes a Difference

  • $1/DAY

    $1 dollar a day can pay for the cost of maintaining 3 small lab animals

  • $800

    $800 will pay for the genome sequencing for one patient sample

  • $2,000

    $2,000 will fund one researcher’s access to a large cluster computer for analyzing big data

  • $5,000

    $5000 will purchase the media required for one researcher to analyze stem cells. $5000 will also fund one single cell experiment.

  • $10,000

    $10,000 will purchase the supplies needed for one researcher to gather the preliminary data required to obtain a grant from the federal government.

  • $50K - $100K

    $50,000 – $100,000 can fund one entire research project!

Sustaining Seas Donation Program

Become a Sustaining Seas supporter by joining our monthly donation program.

Become a Waves of Blessings supporter by donating any amount between $1,000 – $4,999.

Become a Springs of Hope supporter by donating any amount above $5,000.

Why are the Donor Levels Based on Water?

Because many individuals with MWS love the water very much. It is important that the language and imagery we use are relevant for the MWS community. The Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Foundation would like to thank the Community Advisory Board for the inspiration of these new donor levels.

Jethro Loves to Surf

Declan Loves to Swim in the Pool

© Copyright - Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Foundation